Learn English with Fun



Within earshot: Close enough to be heard or to hear

He made sure the boss was not within earshot before speaking.


Within grasp: Possible to achieve to a certain extent

Victory is within our grasp now


Within limits

I agree with the proposal, within the limits


Within reason: What is reasonable

We will examine all offers within reason.


Within one's rights: What you are morally or legally entitled to do

You were quite within your rights to refuse the new conditions.


Within reach: Near enough to be touched

I keep a dictionary within reach.


Within walking distance: Close enough to reach on foot

The station is within walking distance from my home




Without (a) doubt: Definitely true

The author is without doubt one of the greatest writers of all time


Without delay: Immediately or very soon

I must find a solution without delay


Without exception: In all cases, with no exclusions

All the houses, without exception, were damaged in the storm


Without fail: Happens always invariably Certainly, undoubtedly

She calls her parents every Sunday evening without fail.


Without question

He is without question the best coach we have ever hat


Without reason: Unjustifiably, for no reason

You can be fired without reason.


Without so much: Not even doing something

She left without so much as a backward glance


Without warning: Unexpectedly, by surprise

He resigned without warning.

Opposite Adjectives

Slow Fast                       Short-Tall

Thick - Thin                   Young - Old

Straight - Curly               Dirty - Clean

Ugly - Beautiful             Soft - Hard

Top Bottom                    Close - Far

Warm Cool                    Easy - Difficult

Thin - Thick                  Deep - Shallow

Empty - Full                 Distant - Near

White - Black              Cheap Expensive

True - False                  Curly - Straight

Happy - Sad                 Small - Big

Strong - Weak             Slow - Fast

Healthy - Sick              Bitter Sweet

Low - High                  Early - Late

Poor - Wealthy            Selfish - Generous

Light - Heavy             Happy - Unhappy

Dark - Light               Cold - Hot

Bad - Good                Dishonest - Honest

Insane Sane               Patient - Impatient

Thin - Fat                  Tidy - Messy






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