Learn English with Fun


Different Ways to Describe Someone As "Hungry"


















Ways To Describe Someone As "Beautiful"






















Synonyms for "Calm"










Soothing                                                  Relaxed


Common English Expressions

Hit the hay: Go to bed.

Hit the books: Study hard

Out of the blue: Unexpectedly..

On cloud nine: Extremely happy.

Under the weather: Feeling ill

Spill the beans: Reveal a secret.

Cry wolf: To raise a false alarm.

Once in a blue moon: Very rarely.

See eye to eye: Agree completely.

In a nutshell: Summarized briefly.

Miss the boat: Miss an opportunity.

Ace in the hole: A hidden advantage.

Time flies: Time passes very quickly.

Hold your horses: Wait and be patient.

Go down in flames: Fail spectacularly.

All hands on deck: Everyone must help.

IDIOMS to Sound Like Native Speaker

She is a peach- She is sweet and helpful.

He's full of beans- He is not telling the truth.

It's not my cup of tea- I don’t care for that.

He's full of baloney- He doesn’t know what he is talking about.

It’s just sour grapes- They have resentments.

That's corny- It’s sentimental, old, and not funny anymore.

I’m in a pickle- I’m in a dilemma.

He brings home the bacon- He brings home the family money.

She's in a stew- She's upset.

He’s the top banana- He is the headman.

He’s the salt of the earth- He is a very good person.

She’s worth her salt- She is a valuable employee.

They are two peas in a pod- If you see one, you see the other.

I’m nuts about you- I’m in love with you.

It’s a piece of cake- It’s quite simple.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too- You can’t use it and save it.

He’s a real ham- He’s just an actor (a bad actor).

It’s a hard nut to crack- It’s a difficult problem to solve.

Let’s talk turkey- Let’s talk seriously.

He’s a bad egg- He can’t be trusted.

We need to break the ice- Everyone’s a little tense- let’s be friendly.

We’ll get a baker’s dozen- We will get 13 times (one extra).

He’s got a finger in every pie- He has many deals going.

You’ll have to take potluck- Be happy with what you have on hand.

She’s hard boiled- She makes tough deals.

He’s the apple of my eye- He’s my favourite person.

He’s a rotten egg- He’s a thoroughly evil person.

It’s for the birds- It’s a crazy idea.

She eats like a bird- She eats little or nothing.

He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing- He is a bad guy pretending to be good

Use of ‘On’, ‘In’ and ‘By’




On foot


In Clubber

By air



In a car

By sea

On a trip


In a fog

By rail

On a tour

In a jam

By bus


On holiday

In a taxi

By boat


On purpose

In a play

By bike


On business

In a hurry

By train


On the train

In general,

By plane


On the radio

In advance

By coach


On the phone

In the library

By chance


On a journey

In the kitchen

By cheque


On the whole

In my opinion

By mistake


On the market

In a helicopter

By accident


On the internet

In the classroom


By credit card

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