Rearrange the Jumbled Words for Class 6 CBSE With Answers

Jumbled Sentences for Class 6 with Answers

Here are practice exercises

for Jumbled Sentences for Class 6:

Rearrange the Sentence:
school / goes / to / he / by / bus
He goes to school by bus.

Multiple Choice (Choose the correct order):

Question 1: Which of the following is the correct order of the jumbled sentence “eat / breakfast / I / morning / every”?
a) I eat breakfast every morning.
b) Every morning I eat breakfast.
c) Breakfast I eat every morning.

a) I eat breakfast every morning.

Fill in the Blanks (with jumbled words provided)

Question 2: Complete the sentence with these words: [have / they / a / pet / cat] “______ ______ ______ ______ cat.”

They have a pet cat.

True or False (Correct the false sentence):

Question 3: Jumbled: is / playing / the / piano / she
Statement: She is the piano playing.

False. Correct sentence: She is playing the piano.

Jumbled Sentences Exercises for Class 6 CBSE English Exam

Here are 50 jumbled sentences for class 6 with answers:

    1. Jumbled: dog / my / loves / playing / ball
      Answer: My dog loves playing ball.
    2. Jumbled: in / garden / the / vegetables / we / grow
      Answer: We grow vegetables in the garden.
    3. Jumbled: have / lunch / school / at / they
      Answer: They have lunch at school.
    4. Jumbled: morning / every / exercises / she / does
      Answer: She does exercises every morning.
    5. Jumbled: ride / to / I / bike / my / school
      Answer: I ride my bike to school.
    6. Jumbled: book / this / interesting / is / very
      Answer: This book is very interesting.
    7. Jumbled: bananas / likes / he / eating
      Answer: He likes eating bananas.
    8. Jumbled: can / sing / beautifully / she
      Answer: She can sing beautifully.
    9. Jumbled: in / lives / a / big / house / she
      Answer: She lives in a big house.
    10. Jumbled: vacation / we / go / beach / to / the / on
      Answer: We go to the beach on vacation.
    11. Jumbled: homework / finish / tonight / must / I / my
      Answer: I must finish my homework tonight.
    12. Jumbled: cake / mom / delicious / a / baked
      Answer: Mom baked a delicious cake.
    13. Jumbled: drawing / is / she / a / picture
      Answer: She is drawing a picture.
    14. Jumbled: brother / younger / my / is / sleeping
      Answer: My younger brother is sleeping.
    15. Jumbled: play / soccer / friends / my / and / I
      Answer: My friends and I play soccer.
    16. Jumbled: is / raining / it / outside
      Answer: It is raining outside.
    17. Jumbled: climb / trees / like / to / I
      Answer: I like to climb trees.
    18. Jumbled: funny / very / movie / was / the
      Answer: The movie was very funny.
    19. Jumbled: do / why / crying / you / are
      Answer: Why are you crying?
    20. Jumbled: story / tell / us / a / can / you
      Answer: Can you tell us a story?
    21. Jumbled: market / to / the / went / she
      Answer: She went to the market.
    22. Jumbled: birthday / is / today / my
      Answer: Today is my birthday.
    23. Jumbled: the / clean / room / please
      Answer: Please clean the room.
    24. Jumbled: chocolate / loves / he / eating
      Answer: He loves eating chocolate.
    25. Jumbled: sleeping / cat / the / is / under / table / the
      Answer: The cat is sleeping under the table.
    26. Jumbled: birds / the / singing / are
      Answer: The birds are singing.
    27. Jumbled: fast / very / runs / he
      Answer: He runs very fast.
    28. Jumbled: fruit / fresh / eating / enjoys / she
      Answer: She enjoys eating fresh fruit.
    29. Jumbled: park / to / go / the / like / would / you
      Answer: Would you like to go to the park?
    30. Jumbled: cookies / making / we / are
      Answer: We are making cookies.
    31. Jumbled: tall / very / is / he
      Answer: He is very tall.
    32. Jumbled: her / met / I / friend / new
      Answer: I met her new friend.
    33. Jumbled: swimming / are / we / going
      Answer: We are going swimming.
    34. Jumbled: car / new / has / a / dad / bought
      Answer: Dad has bought a new car.
    35. Jumbled: raining / was / it / yesterday
      Answer: It was raining yesterday.
    36. Jumbled: watch / you / did / game / the
      Answer: Did you watch the game?
    37. Jumbled: book / the / lost / I
      Answer: I lost the book.
    38. Jumbled: red / is / the / ball
      Answer: The ball is red.
    39. Jumbled: pizza / like / I / eating
      Answer: I like eating pizza.
    40. Jumbled: flying / the / kite / is / high
      Answer: The kite is flying high.
    41. Jumbled: sleeping / is / baby / the
      Answer: The baby is sleeping.
    42. Jumbled: jumping / is / the / dog
      Answer: The dog is jumping.
    43. Jumbled: teacher / new / our / kind / is
      Answer: Our new teacher is kind.
    44. Jumbled: cold / very / is / it
      Answer: It is very cold.
    45. Jumbled: swimming / like / I / do
      Answer: I like swimming.
    46. Jumbled: run / can / fast / you
      Answer: Can you run fast?
    47. Jumbled: cake / like / would / piece / a / you / of
      Answer: Would you like a piece of cake?
    48. Jumbled: early / wake / up / I / always
      Answer: I always wake up early.
    49. Jumbled: ride / to / want / I / horse / a
      Answer: I want to ride a horse.
    50. Jumbled: movie / watch / to / want / I / a
      Answer: I want to watch a movie.
  • Jumbled Sentence: apple / an / I / eating / am
  • Correct Sentence: I am eating an apple.
  • Jumbled Sentence: flying / the / in / birds / are / sky
  • Correct Sentence: The birds are flying in the sky.
  • Jumbled Sentence: school / to / she / goes / every / day
  • Correct Sentence: She goes to school every day.
  • Jumbled Sentence: my / homework / did / not / I / do
  • Correct Sentence: I did not do my homework.
  • Jumbled Sentence: book / read / night / a / last / I
  • Correct Sentence: I read a book last night.

Re-arrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences:

  1. (a) control/over/self-control/is/exercised/self/one’s
    (b) power/it/having/emotions/one’s/mind/and/control/under/is/the/of
    (c) clears/it/strengthens/mind/the/and/will-power
    (d) elevates/it/character/our
    (e) gives/freedom/it/us/peace/joy/and/bliss
  2. (a) bring/ festivals / life / colours / to / the / human / of/ a
    (b) many/festivals/celebrated/in/types/India/of/are
    (c) these/Holi/some/Diwali/of/are/Id/Christmas/and
    (d) festival/Holi/the/colours/is/of
    (e) celebrated/India/it/over/all/is
  3. (a) peacock/a/beautiful/is/a/bird
    (b) neck/feathers/covered/is/lovely/its/with
    (c) green/blue/its/and/body/is
    (d) glory/its/tail/long/is/its
    (e) it/national/our/is/bird.
  4. (a) called/rose/the/queen/the/is/flowers/of
    (b) widely/it/grown/is/the/all/world/over
    (c) 500/there/about/are/species/roses/of
    (d) the/rose/persian/best/is/the
    (e) brought/from / there / was /it/ India/ to
  5. (a) person/a/healthy/exercise/makes
    (b) important /in/ life / it/ one’s /is
    (c) exercises/physical/person/make/physically/a/fit
    (d) mental/makes/fresh/the/exercise/mind
    (e) mind/it/sharp/makes/the/too.
  6. (a) keep/yitamins/fit/body/our.
    (b) appetite/they/and/improve/body’s/increase/ability/fight/to/diseases
    (c) help/minerals/growth/the/body/of/in/the
    (d) vegetables/fresh fruits/sources/and/are/vitamins/of/minerals/and
    (e) roughage/body/helps/undigested/get rid of/to/the/food
  7. (a) useful/camel/is/animal/desert/the/most/the/in/the
    (b) heavy/it/ through/ carry/ can/loads/ sand /hot
    (c) feet/adapted/walk/are/its/to/sand/on
    (d) without/live/it/water/food/many days/can/an/for
    (e) the ship of the desert/camel/called/is/the
  8. (a) India’s/kabaddi/one/is /games/Indigenous/of
    (b) popular/rural/it/in/is/areas
    (c) does not/playground/this/require/game/large/a
    (d) is/it/game/cheap/very/a
    (e) played/it/courtyard/can/in/be/even/the/of/house/a
  9. (a) nurse/symbol/is/a/of/humanity/service/a/and
    (b) frequently / she / seen/hospitals /is / in
    (c) attentive/she/her/very/remains/duties/to
    (d) noble/she/patients/all/is/to
    (e) she/popularly/is/as/known/sister
  10. (a) Vindhya Hills/located/in/Madhya Pradesh/the Bandhavgarh National Park/ the/is/of
    (b) tigers / natural / it / home /is / for / a /protected
    (c) also/other/found/animals/here/are
    (d) rare birds/spotted/also/some/can/be
    (e) great/wildlife lovers/place/is/for/it/a


  1. (a) Self-control is control exercised over one’s self.
    (b) It is the power of having one’s emotions and mind under control.
    (c) It clears the mind and strengthens willpower.
    (d) It elevates our character.
    (e) It gives us freedom, peace, bliss and joy.
  2. (a) Festivals bring colours to the life of a human.
    (b) In India many types of festivals are celebrated.
    (c) Some of these are Holi, Diwali, Id and Christmas.
    (d) Holi is the festival of colours.
    (e) It is celebrated all over India.
  3. (a) A peacock is a beautiful bird.
    (b) Its neck is covered with lovely feathers.
    (c) Its body is green and blue.
    (d) Its glory is its tail.
    (e) It is our national bird.
  4. (a) The rose is called the queen of flowers.
    (b) It is widely grown all over the world.
    (c) There are about 500 species of roses.
    (d) The persian rose is the best.
    (e) From there it was brought to India.
  5. (a) Exercise makes a person healthy.
    (b) It is important in one’s life.
    (c) Physical exercises make a person physically fit.
    (d) Mental exercise makes the mind fresh.
    (e) It makes the mind sharp too.
  6. (a) Vitamins keep our body fit.
    (b) They improve appetite and increase body’s ability to fight diseases.
    (c) Minerals help in the growth of the body.
    (d) Fresh fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals.
    (e) Roughage helps the body to get rid of undigested food.
  7. (a) The camel is the most useful animal in the desert.
    (b) It can carry heavy loads through hot sand.
    (c) Its feet are adapted to walk on sand.
    (d) It can live without food and water for many days.
    (e) The camel is called the ship of the desert.
  8. (a) Kabaddi is one of India’s indigenous games.
    (b) It is popular in rural areas.
    (c) This game does not require a large playground.
    (d) It is a very cheap game.
    (e) It can be played even in the courtyard of a house.
  9. (a) A nurse is a symbol of service and humanity.
    (b) She is frequently seen in hospitals.
    (c) She remains very attentive to her duties.
    (d) She is noble to all patients.
    (e) She is popularly known as sister.
  10. (a) The Bandhavgarh National park is located in the Vindha hills of Madhya Pradesh.
    (b) It is a natural protected home for tigers.
    (c) Other animals are also found here.
    (d) Some rare birds can also be spotted.
    (e) It is a great place for wildlife lovers.

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